UK: Third sector network launched
The Third Sector Network has been launched in May to share ideas and experience and work together on issues of common concern
A new and powerful voice for the UK?s third sector was launched in May. The Third Sector Network, for the first time unites voluntary and community organisations, trade unions, housing associations, social enterprises, co-operatives and mutuals, to share ideas and experience and work together on issues of common concern.
The launch of the Network comes at an important time for the third sector and one of its first tasks will be to prepare a joint submission to the Treasury?s consultation on the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). The CSR will decide what money is allocated to every Government Department from 2008 ? 2011 and the consultation is the largest the Treasury has ever held with the third sector.
The Network will bring together representative bodies from across the sector, using their collective strength to work on key strategic issues such as the CSR. Tom Wilson, Head of Organisation and Services Department at the Trade Union Congress (TUC) said:
“Trade Unions share the commitment of other third sector organisations to giving people a voice, whether in the workplace or in their community, and wider goals such as equality and social justice. Unions are about collective strength and this network provides a great foundation for the wider third sector to work together.”
Dame Pauline Green, Chief Executive of Co-operatives UK said:
“Historically charities and co-operatives, for example, have developed along quite separate paths. This network recognises what we have in common and provides a real opportunity to raise the profile of the third sector and its value to society and to the economy.”
Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive of National Council for Voluntary Organisations said:
“Third sector organisations share a desire to make a positive difference to society, and do so in different ways. This idea came from NCVO members during our strategic review in 2005 and I believe that the new broad alliance will strengthen our voice and will have real influence on public opinion and at Westminster.”
The Network will meet regularly and will take forward their work on the CSR at their next meeting in July.
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