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Italy: cooperation for development deal with drought

New wells inaugurated in the North of Ethiopia thanks to the joint work of the Italian Military Aviation and the international development volunteers (VIS)

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The inauguration of several wells in villages around Adigrat, a city situated in the Tigray region in the North of Ethiopia, have been made possible by the generosity of men and women that work for the Italian Military Aviation and to the work carried out by international development volunteers (VIS). It is a direct reply to the appeal launched by the UN for the worldwide day for water 2007: to deal with drought. The campaign ?Water for all? that has been developed over the course of the last year ? says a VIS report ? is the follow up of the campaigns that took place during the beginning of 2006 thanks to the union of forces between VIS and the Aviation which also enabled the construction of a day orphanage in Dungalpitiya, Sri Lanka, for children who lost their parents in the tsunami tragedy. This collaboration started because the Aviation wanted to become involved in a valid development project and also as a way to celebrate their annual anniversary. These two years of work together have brought about the collection of over 350 thousand euros from the contribution of Aviation employees who donated ?work hours? from their pay cheques and from the world famous Frecce Tricolori pilots who were the protagonists of an advertising campaign that was broadcast on television and in cinemas across Italy. The wells that were visited in General Carlo Landi?s most recent visit to Ethiopia, in an area where only 20% of the 77 million inhabitants have access to water supplies and where drought kills millions every year are the proof that building wells is a solution to these problems. Not only do they solve the prmary problem of quenching thirst, but they also enable irrigation, better health conditions and consequently the death rate is significantly reduced, especially the infant mortality rate. The ?water for everyone? project ? says General Carlo Landi ? is a sure sign that intervention is possible and can be successful as it has been thanks to the hard work of all those involved. The project has also set up an education programme for the local population so that they can maintain their wells and distribute the water fairly. This should ensure that the wells will bring a lasting and real richness to the local community. All the construction work has been supervised by committees appointed by the local villagers and these are in charge of guarding and maintaining the water resources.

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