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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
14 Maggio 2006
It is now worth visiting social housing and the Montreuil Blue photovoltaic roof. A pilot project for saving energy is underway ...
di Zesst
PlaNet Finance reshuffles its strategy and intends to deliver micro-credit also in France.
Bretagne Ateliers works quite exclusively with disabled people
12 Aprile 2006
The corporate is taking advantage of an old law that promotes the solidarity international holiday - " congé de solidarité internationale ". And it works ...
11 Aprile 2006
Ashoka, a global organization that invests in social entrepreneurs, has an office in France.
The results of international development governmental policies are disappointing. But a project in Mali opens new perspectives.
9 Aprile 2006
Groupe SOS fights any form of exclusion, and particularly the absence of medical care. Now, the association is approached by public authorities to do some consultancy work
13 Marzo 2006
A new financial and sustainable co-operative helps the burgeoning of social enterprises.
Close to Paris city, now fair-trade importators and big buyers meet together.
A system of car-sharing which is affordable and convenient for medium-income city dwellers is expanding
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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