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The world of philanthropy rethinks Europe in Sarajevo

The 25th EFC Annual General Assembly gathers together the protagonists of European philanthropy to discuss solidarity, civil society and political governance

di Redazione

Over 400 key figures from the world of foundations in Europe and further afield will gather in Sarajevo at the 25th EFC Annual General Assembly, from  15 to 17 May. This year’s theme is Rethinking Europe: Solidarity, civil society and political governance” and the Bosnian capital seems to be the perfect place to discuss these issues. “One hundred years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, which triggered the onset of World War I, Europe is again in the midst of increasing political, economic and social unrest.” Said Gerry Salole, EFC Chief Executive. “As foundations we have a crucial role to play and, over the three days, we will be discussing how we can contribute towards the prevention of conflicts, aiding reconciliation and securing a peaceful future for Europe.” The assembly will also address other related issues such as social and economic renewal, health, gender, environment, youth, education, the arts and media, which all play a part in building and sustaining unified, stable and peaceful societies. The conference, which takes the form of three plenaries and 22 themed parallel sessions, will feature a plethora of informed and influential speakers to discuss many of the issues that are most pertinent to Europe today.

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