Non profit

April 2010

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.

di Cristina Barbetta

Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):

6-11 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, 30th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment

8-9 April 2010, Paris, France, A New Thematic Area Arts and Health

9 April 2010, teleconference, Paris, London, Berlin, Lisbon, Madrid and Brussels, Telepresence conference on Social Innovation

12-16 April 2010, Geneva, Training of Trainers 

14 April 2010, Barcelona, EUCIS-LLL Conference On the Social Dimension of Education and Training in Europe

14 April 2010, European Parliament, Innovation in Funding the third sector/social economy 

15-16 April 2010, Council of Europe headquarters, Strasbourg, Forthcoming Conference on “Learning and Living Democracy for All”

16 April 2010, London, United Kingdom, Supporting asylum seekers

20 April 2010, Winchester, United Kingdom,

Implementing effective governance through good leadership

20 April 2010, Luxembourg, Luxembourg,

CSR Luxembourg 2010 – Second Forum of Citizenship

20-21 April 2010, Bilbao, Spain, 8th ETAP Forum on Eco-Innovation

“Making Eco-Innovation happen in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”

20-23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland, European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition

21-25 April 2010, Perugia, Italy, International Journalism Festival

23 April 2010, Madrid, Spain, PICUM Event

Workshop – ‘Women, migration, marginality, and violence: What is needed for empowerment?’

23-24 April 2010, Kiev, Ukraine; 29-30 April 2010, Chisinau, Moldova: Networking and advocacy Masterclass

23-24 April 2010, Vienna, Austria, “Development through Football” Conference

26-28 April 2010, Lille, France: Conference on Integrated River Basin Management under the Water Framework Directive: action programmes and adaptation to climate change

27 April 2010, London, United Kingdom Effectively Engaging Parents

28 April 2010, Oxford, United Kingdom, Funding Network annual ‘Giving Event’

28-29 April 2010, London, United Kingdom

International Symposium on “Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction: what, why and how

28-29 April 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia

IV Forum Réalités: “Europe, the Maghreb and Africa: for a new global partnership”

30 April 2010, London, United Kingdom, Combating racial violence


6-11 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland

30th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment

This meeting, hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), will convene under the theme “The Role of Impact Assessment in Transitioning to the Green Economy.” It is organised by the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). IAIA is an organisation for advancing innovation, development, and communication of best practice in impact assessment. Its international membership promotes development of local and global capacity for the application of environmental, social, health and other forms of assessment in which sound science and full public participation provide a foundation for equitable and sustainable development.

The objective of IAIA 10 is to take advantage of the opportunity to provide policy makers with materials to help address the global crises.

Participants are expected to include international experts, impact assessment practitioners, sector leaders, and policy makers from industry, government, consultancies, donor agencies, and academia, and will focus on sectors that have the potential for sustainable green investment including: agriculture, industry, cities, tourism and transport.



8-9 April 2010, Paris, France

A New Thematic Area Arts and Health

This meeting is organised by the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC), which is the European network of higher educational institutions and training organisations in the area of cultural management and cultural policy.

This new ENCATC Thematic Area is meant to advance this important topic by:

– Discussing, analyzing and exchanging ideas, working methods and reflections on arts and health

– Exchanging information, academic and working knowledge and contributing to the development of the collaboration between universities, expert organizations and practitioners

– Finding methods to integrate the cultural sector into the social and health care sector, and to promote culture and art in the context and to provide useful and relevant information to actors in the sectors

– Studying relevant European examples and theoretical approaches on the subject and finding good examples and best practices between the cultural sector and the social/health care sector



9 April 2010, teleconference, Paris, London, Berlin, Lisbon, Madrid and Brussels

Telepresence conference on Social Innovation

Euclid Network (EN) in partnership with the Young Foundation, Social Innovation eXchange (SIX) and Cisco will be running a telepresence event on social innovation.

Euclid Network is the European network of third sector leaders.

Established in 2007 as a joint venture between ACEVO (UK), CJDES (France) and Ideell Arena (Sweden), Euclid Network (EN) connects around 300 leaders from 24 countries from across Europe for a more innovative, professional and stronger European civil society.

The Young Foundation brings together insight, innovation and entrepreneurship to meet social needs. It works across the UK and internationally – carrying out research, influencing policy, creating new organisations and supporting others to do the same, often with imaginative uses of new technology.

SIX is a global community of over 700 individuals and organisations – including small NGOs and global firms, public agencies and academics – committed to promoting social innovation and growing the capacity of the field. Its aim is to improve the methods with which our societies find better solutions to challenges such as ageing, climate change, inequality and healthcare.

Cisco TelePresenceTM creates a live, face-to-face communication experience helping people to meet and share ideas across borders using the power of the network.

Using some of the most sophisticated teleconference technology, the event will bring together 5 social innovators from 6 capitals – Paris, London, Berlin, Lisbon, Madrid and Brussels – to share their successful stories.

European officials will also be in attendence.

The event will take place on 9 April from 3 to 5 p.m.



12-16 April 2010, Geneva

Training of Trainers

This course is aimed at training adults.

It provides methods and tools to ensure efficient learning processes. It focuses on adult learning principles, and includes all stages of the learning cycle:

– Training needs assessment

– Methods, techniques and tools to properly design and deliver a training course

– Training course follow-up.

This course gives the opportunity for each participant to practice methods and tools.

The course will benefit in particular:

– Trainers

– Heads of training units

– Human resources managers and other managers involved in training

At the end of the course, participants have understood the basics of adult learning and are able to train a group in full respect of the methods, techniques and tools for adult learning.

Participants are able to identify training needs, to design a training session and to ensure a proper follow-up of a course both for the clients (evaluation) and for the trainees (knowledge transfer).


14 April 2010, Barcelona

EUCIS-LLL Conference On the Social Dimension of Education and Training in Europe

The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) gathers 19 major European networks in education and training. Its goal is to offer a collaborative space for education and training actors to build a

collective voice to weight on EU political decisions. The members share a common definition on lifelong learning as a continuous process that is not limited to formal education but also includes non formal and informal learning.

Together, these networks represent thousands of teachers, animators, school heads, HR professionals, trainers, schools, universities, etc.

EUCIS-LLL is organising its Lifelong Learning Conference on the social dimension of education and training on 14th April 2010 in Barcelona. This event will gather actors coming from the various sectors of education and training.

The conference will feature four thematic workshops:

– Active ageing and intergenerational solidarity

– Social innovation in LLL

– Fighting social exclusion and poverty

– Mobility for all



14 April 2010, European Parliament

Innovation in Funding the third sector/social economy

Roundtable discussion on ‘Innovation in Funding the third sector/social economy’ organised by Euclid Network (EN) and hosted at the European Parliament by Patrizia Toia MEP (Vice-President of the Social Economy Intergroup).

Four case-studies will be presented:

Charitable lottery

Social stock exchange

Social Innovation Park

European social bank

It will be a roundtable by invitation only and 30 people will be hosted to be sure to have a smooth and productive discussion.

European third sector leaders and other stakeholders, included MEPs, European officials and Brussels-based journalists will discuss the cases.



15-16 April 2010, Council of Europe headquarters, Strasbourg

Forthcoming Conference on “Learning and Living Democracy for All”

This conference will bring together representatives of the States Parties to the European Cultural Convention, decision makers, education practitioners, international institutions and civil society representatives.

The participants will discuss the results achieved under the Council of Europe Programme “Learning and Living Democracy for All” 2006-2009 and future co-operation activities in the field of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights (2010-2014).

The Conference will be organised by the Council of Europe Department for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights, in close co-operation with Switzerland, which has agreed to support this conference in the framework of the Swiss Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

The discussions will also contribute to the preparation of the 23rd session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education (Slovenia, 4-5 June 2010).



16 April 2010, London, United Kingdom

Supporting asylum seekers

This training workshop is organised by The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), a charity at the cutting edge of the research and analysis that inform the struggle for racial justice in Britain, Europe and internationally. It seeks to reflect the experiences of those who suffer racial oppression and draws its perspectives from the most vulnerable in society.

Asylum seekers, particularly those who remain in the UK following refusal of their claim, and community groups seeking to support them, face multiple challenges – including denial of subsistence support, legal and practical obstacles in accessing medical treatment, and lack of legal help in making a claim and/ or presenting an appeal. This workshop is designed to provide relevant information and strategies to enable community groups to provide effective support.



20 April 2010, Winchester, United Kingdom

Implementing effective governance through good leadership

This conference is organised by Acevo, the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations which is the leading voice for chief executives in the third sector.

With over 2,000 members nationwide, it supports, develops, connects and represents third sector leaders.

This course will enable participants to feel more confident and knowledgeable about good charity governance and how to achieve it. It will enable participants to carry out an assessment of where their board is in relation to best practice and empower them to overcome barriers and improve matters for their board and beneficiaries.

The following topics will be covered:

– The key principles of good governance

– The important relationship between the CEO and the Board

– Understanding one’s stakeholders

– ACEVO’s Governance Review Service

– Trends and future challenges

This workshop will help delegates identify some of the main causes behind governance failure, the crucial need for good governance and how this can be achieved through the following:

– Defining good charity governance

– Achieving good charity governance in one’s organisation

– Breaking down barriers to good governance assessing one’s boards governance practices

– Demonstrating good governance practices

To find out about Acevo’s conferences, workshops and training sessions visit:



20 April 2010, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

CSR Luxembourg 2010 – Second Forum of Citizenship

IMS Luxembourg’s 2nd Forum is aimed at providing CSR solutions, in keeping with the Copenhagen Summit. It will deal with “Be eco-friendly, be in line with Copenhagen Summit – Act, Share, Pass on”. Last year, the 1st edition of the event brought together 600 attendees who came to enjoy high-level speakers’ experience. This year, the Forum will explore a range of CSR issues through in-depth debates and sessions on 20th April at Luxembourg Congrès.

IMS is an association of enterprises working for the development of Corporate Social Responsibility policies in Luxembourg.

Founded by a group of enterprises from Luxembourg which have already developed policies or projects of social engagement, the association is open to all enterprises from Luxembourg.



20-21 April 2010, Bilbao, Spain

8th ETAP Forum on Eco-Innovation

“Making Eco-Innovation happen in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”

The Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) is intended to make eco innovation an everyday reality throughout Europe. The plan was adopted by the Commission in 2004 to cover a wide range of activities promoting eco innovation and use of environmental technologies. Its objective is to improve European competitiveness in this area, and enable the EU to become the recognised world leader.

Eco-innovation is essential to respond to major current and future societal challenges, particularly in terms of the environment. The creativity and dynamism of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) means they have a crucial role to play in this area – both as eco-innovators and as recipients of green technologies.

According to European Commission figures, more than 99% of all European businesses are SMEs.

They provide two out of three of all private-sector jobs and contribute to more than half of the total value-added created by businesses in the EU.

Moreover, SMEs are the true backbone of the European economy, being primarily responsible for wealth and economic growth, in addition to their key role in innovation and R&D.

All these enterprising companies are trying to find their niche in the economy and respond to needs in society. But, while they are creative and dynamic, their size is such that their market influence is very small. Equally SME capabilities for developing new products are inevitably restricted. In the same way, their access to expertise, finance and markets is similarly circumscribed. However, the brightest ideas come from small and medium-sized companies.

The Bilbao Forum is intended first of all to get entrepreneurs themselves to speak about their specific needs and the barriers to their development. These will be examined against the background of what governments and other organisations are already doing to support SMEs in the eco-innovation sector.

Concrete examples will be presented of best experiences and best practices of how SMEs can respond to develop their niche in the economy. The intention is to elaborate recommendations for more effective government policies at the regional, national and European level. Participants will include a number of specific SMEs together with policymakers, finance institutions, research institutions and relevant non-governmental organisations.



20-23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland

European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition

The European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition (EWEC) is widely regarded as the most professional, comprehensive and informative event in the wind sector. It offers a unique opportunity to generate new business leads.

EWEC is the only annual event which combines an extensive exhibition of the leading players with a conference covering every key aspect of the wind market – from technical and theoretical to policy and practice.

The Conference & Exhibition is organised by The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide.

It is ideally situated in the Renewable Energy House in Brussels ensuring close proximity to European decision-makers.


21-25 April 2010, Perugia, Italy 

International Journalism Festival

The Festival, this year in its fourth edition, will feature more than 250 journalists, with over a hundred meetings in five days, with debates, interviews, documentaries screenings, exhibitions and book presentations.

Al Gore, the former US vice- President, Nobel Prize laureate for peace, and Current * co-founder and chair, will be the main guest of the event.

The main topic of the 2010 edition, which entrance is free, is the future of information, but in the dozens of different panels issues such as precision journalism, women, media and power, financial and war journalism will be tackled.

Among the many featuring guests: Paul Steiger, editor-in-chief, president and chief executive of ProPublica, a US agency for investigative journalism, Richard Sambrook, director of Bbc Global News, Dexter Filkins, war correspondent for the New York Times and 2009 Pulitzer Prize winner, Ezio Mauro, director of La Repubblica, Mario Calabresi, director of La Stampa, Moeed Ahmad, news media director of Al Jazeera, and Javier Moreno, director of El Pais.

For those who can’t make the event physically, a web tv system has been set up which should cover the whole of the conference.


* Current is an independently owned cable and satellite television network for young people based on viewer-created content and citizen journalism.




23 April 2010, Madrid, Spain


Workshop – ‘Women, migration, marginality, and violence: What is needed for empowerment?’

Addressing the situation facing undocumented migrant women residing in Europe, PICUM will host a discussion on the policies and practices that tend to push female migrants into the margins and limit their autonomy, enabling civil society actors from across Europe to share experiences and strategies for empowerment.

PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that aims to promote respect for the human rights of undocumented migrants within Europe. PICUM also seeks dialogue with organisations and networks with similar concerns in other parts of the world.

The migration control framework existing in Europe serves as a major source of disempowerment by creating a dependency between migrant women and their partners or employers. As a result, migrant women exposed to violence or exploitation are highly susceptible to becoming undocumented, and when in an irregular situation, face legal and practical barriers to access basic services and report abuse to the authorities.

Despite these obstacles, however, undocumented women have become active agents within civil society, facilitating access to basic social rights, developing strategies to tackle violence and removing legal and social barriers to public participation. This event seeks to gather and strengthen their voices in the current migration policy debate.



23-24 April 2010, Kiev, Ukraine

29-30 April 2010, Chisinau, Moldova

Networking and advocacy Masterclass

Last September Euclid Network (EN) launched its work in the Former Soviet Union by starting the project Strengthening Civil Society to Develop Democracy, funded by the UN Fund for Democracy. The project aims to improve the connections between government and civil society in Ukraine and Moldova, and will run until September 2011.

As part of the project Euclid Network will run two master classes, one in Ukraine and the other one in Moldova. Specifically, EN is looking for members that can speak about as many as possible of the following areas:

Role of CSO networks at local and national levels to advocate for certain social changes

Access to information and citizens participation in the decision making process at local level

Participation of CSOs representatives in consulting of the local authorities

Participation of CSOs in decision-making process at local level, involving citizens into policy-making, enhancing transparency and public access to information

Role of CSOs in local policy making (particularly youth policy, social contracting)



23-24 April 2010, Vienna, Austria

“Development through Football” Conference

Two months away from the first FIFA World Cup finals on the African continent, the “Development through Football – Sustaining the potential of the first African World Cup” conference will draw the attention of the public to the potential contribution of football in addressing poverty and promoting development initiatives.

The conference will bring together football governing bodies, public authorities, coaches and players with NGO experts, researchers and campaigners in the area of Sport-for-Development. The aim is to exchange good practice and to critically assess the role of sport as a resource for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The participants will come from across Europe and various African countries, including South Africa.

The gathering is the first major international initiative of the new European Union funded project “Football for Development”.

It aims at awareness-raising and educational work around the forthcoming World Cup 2010 in South Africa. The conference is organised by the Austrian FARE member organisation VIDC-FairPlay together with INEX-SDA (Czech Republic) and the FARE partners UISP (Italy) and Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organization (Hungary).

Football against Racism in Europe (FARE) is a network of organisations from several European countries -. It dedicates itself to fight racism and xenophobia in football across Europe, through co-ordinated action and common efforts, at local and national level, to bring together all those interested in combating discrimination in football.

The VIDC , founded in 1962, is an NGO active in the fields of international dialogue and cooperation, awareness-raising on development issues, culture and public relations and anti-racism and anti-discrimination. VIDC has three departments: Dialogue and Policies (development cooperation), Moving Cultures (cultural exchange) and FairPlay. Different Colours. One Game.

The objective of this first and only nationwide intercultural sports project is to use the popularity and integrative power of football to fight racism and other forms of discrimination.

INEX – Association for Voluntary Activities – is a non-governmental non-profit organisation founded in 1991 which primary activities are in the area of international voluntary work.

UISP – Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (Italian Union of Sportforall) is an association of sport for all with the aim to extend the right to practice sport to everyone. Sport for all is a good connected with the health, life quality, education and social relations. This is why it deserves the aknowledgment and public tutelacy.

Uisp tries to deepen and to show the several faces of “sport for all” and its “social value”.

Troughout its Ngo, called Peace Games, Uisp is also active in Cooperation for Development field, to spread the use of sport as educational and development instrument, to reduce social discomfort and bad effects of conflicts.

The Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation’s primary objectives are the defending of refugees’ human rights as well as – by organising cultural programs – the establishment of a more tolerant and more friendly atmosphere in the society.

Corresponding to these objectives, on the one hand the organisation gives legal assistance to asylum seekers, organises integrating projects in the field of education and sports, while in the other – with cultural programmes and campaigns – it tries to shape the Hungarian mentality and ease the adaptation of foreigners arriving to the country.



26-28 April 2010, Lille, France

Conference on Integrated River Basin Management under the Water Framework Directive: action programmes and adaptation to climate change

This conference is organised by Maggi Churchouse Events, a freelance conference and events management service.

The conference will review technical challenges faced by Member States, stakeholder organisations and scientists, while developing the first River Basin Management Plan under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It will focus on aspects of integration, looking at the way cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary co-operation has developed, and how emerging issues such as adaptation to climate changes will be considered in the future.

This event aims to be a forum of exchanges between policy-makers, stakeholders, and scientists on issues that are closely related to the implementation of EU water policies. Discussions will hence not be limited to the WFD, but will open up to related policies concerning, for example, priority substances, groundwater, floods, climate change adaptation, etc.



27 April 2010, London, United Kingdom

Effectively Engaging Parents

This conference is organized by Nursery World, UK’s leading publication for practitioners and decision-makers across the early years education and childcare sectors.

The conference addresses ways in which to get parents more involved in their children’s learning and provides practical examples and solutions of how practitioners can successfully build partnerships with parents and how this can facilitate children’s learning journey.



28 April 2010, Oxford, United Kingdom

Funding Network annual ‘Giving Event’

The Funding Network Oxford is holding its annual ‘giving event’ at the North Wall Arts Centre in North Oxford. The network offers a new way of giving, helping ordinary people to become active donors and engage personally with charities that inspire them. The Oxford event gives anyone willing to donate £50 or more a rare opportunity to hear four or five smaller social change charities pitch their work live. People attend with all sorts of budgets, from £50 to the thousands, and the event culminates in a lively pledging session.

The Funding Network Oxford is part of the national Funding Network.



28-29 April 2010, London, United Kingdom

International Symposium on “Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction: what, why and how”

This symposium is organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the African Wildlife Foundation.

The International Institute for Environment and Development is a global leader in sustainable development.

Its mission is to build a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others.

The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is a collaboration between the United Nations Environment Programme, the world’s foremost intergovernmental environmental organization, and WCMC 2000, a UK-based charity.

The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) is the leading international conservation organization focused solely on Africa. It believes that protecting Africa’s wildlife and wild landscapes is the key to the future prosperity of Africa and its people – and for over forty-five years they have made it their work to help ensure that Africa’s wild resources endure.

The purpose of this symposium is to explore the current state of knowledge regarding the nature and scale of biodiversity conservation-poverty reduction links and the most appropriate mechanisms to maximize them, and to identify key research and implementation gaps, in order to help inform a post-2010 biodiversity target for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).



28-29 April 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia

IV Forum Réalités: “Europe, the Maghreb and Africa: for a new global partnership”

This Forum is organized by Réalités, a Tunisian weekly magazine including political, social and economic dossiers, the Delegation of the European Commission to Tunisia and the International Organisation of “Francophonie”, which represents one of the biggest linguistic zones in the world.

Its members share more than just a common language. They also share the humanist values promoted by the French language. The French language and its humanist values represent the two cornerstones on which the International Organisation of “Francophonie” is based.

Its mission is to embody active solidarity between its 70 member States and governments, which together represent over one-third of the United Nations’ member States and account for a population of over 870 million people, including 200 million French speakers.

IOF organises political activities and actions of multilateral cooperation that benefit French-speaking populations. Its actions respect cultural and linguistic diversity and serve to promote the French language, peace and sustainable development.

This new edition of one of the most prestigious forums in North Africa focuses on the analysis of the duality between EU policies towards Mediterranean Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

This duality, which seems being intensified after the birth of the Union for the Mediterranean in favour of relations between the EU and African countries bordering the Mediterranean, may pose a risk of isolation for the rest of Africa, not only with the EU but also with the Maghreb.

The aim of the forum are the dynamics and prospects for North-South cooperation, regional integration processes in Africa – which currently has one of the lowest levels of South-South trade – the role played by emerging powers, African economy and geopolitical implications of migration through co-development strategies.



30 April 2010, London, United Kingdom

Combating racial violence

A half-day workshop to enable those who are part of or are working with newly arrived asylum/refugee/migrant communities:

To be informed about the extent and parameters of the problem of racial violence.

To hear from a community-based monitoring group about the variety of strategies that can be used to tackle the problem.

To find out from a lawyer in the field about legal strategies against racial violence.

To learn about ‘best practice’ being developed by other groups.

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