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Febbraio 2025
16 Gennaio 2008
The new website that will provide free advice on fundaraising, practical tips and event listings for volunteer fundraisers
di Alpha communication
9 Gennaio 2008
The Co-operative is calling on its customers to choose ethical mineral water to fund the installation of PlayPump Water System in Africa.
8 Gennaio 2008
2008 is the UN's International year for sanitation. Focusing on meeting Millennium Development Goals, a number of simple actions can lead to best practices
7 Gennaio 2008
The programe aims to bring together communites leaders to coordinate the economic and community development activities.
5 Gennaio 2008
UK is the largest donor to support the fighting global poverty
2 Gennaio 2008
This fund will help bring together retailers and African farmers to increase the market for sustainably produced food.
Liberation provides a range of cashew nuts and peanuts and is currently available in various fair trade and wholefood shops and online stores
Emma-Jane Cross is the Chief Executive of Beatbullying, an association founded to empower young people leading anti-bullying campaigns
16 Dicembre 2007
The UN invites all UN member states, to observe this day by disseminating information on human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants.
The Courier ACP-EU was relaunched after a break of three years and the third issue of the new edition has been presented at a conference in Bologna on 14th December
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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