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Febbraio 2025
11 Dicembre 2007
The European Commission has announced the creation of a new forum to increase philanthropic contributions for research
di Alpha communication
The UK Giving 2007 report reveals that the UK population gave £9.5 billion to charities in 2006/07, which is 3% lower than the previous year.
6 Dicembre 2007
Capacitybuilders has launched the new three year investment programme which aims to support strategic change and modernisation at local and regional level.
Tom Flood is the Chief Executive of BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers) a charity which provides environmental volunteering
1 Dicembre 2007
Caring Christmas Trees trees to support Bethany Christian Trust in helping homeless people in Scotland.
29 Novembre 2007
V, an independent charity championing youth volunteering in England, has launched a new youth-led volunteering scheme entitled Vinvolved.
28 Novembre 2007
UK charity Beatbullying has collaborated with YouTube to create a new anti bullying resource on the website.
21 Novembre 2007
Amenesty International's Burma campaign: text a message to generate awareness of the current crisis in Burma
Nearly two-thirds of the British public would prefer their local services to be delivered by social enterprises
15 Novembre 2007
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that segregating Roma students into special schools violates fundamental human rights
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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