Cooperation key for better health care

The Open Health Community is a project challenging everyone around the world to share their best practices and co-create world changing ideas to improve the quality, affordability and accessibility of health care.

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Health provision varies around the world. In the Netherlands basic health care is available to everyone but it is expensive and the system is difficult to change. In India, where most people do not have access to health care, innovative business models are arising. At the Narayana Hrudayalaya Cardiac Hospital in India they are using economies of scale to do heart surgery cheaply, at around 1600 Euros. The Open Health Community, a Dutch initiative,  wants to learn from best practices like this. It challenges everyone to join their community which connects people  from all around the globe who share a passion for health care. The project wants to co-create world changing ideas to improve the quality, affordability and accessibility of health care. 
People from all field, who are interested in contributing to the community, are welcome to participate: from scientists to entrepreneurs, to doctors and nurses, to students and innovators.
The Open Health Community practically allows to upload best practice business models in health care, share one’s idea, co-create it online, and give feedback on other people ideas.  It is a great place to build network and find out more about healthcare systems and business developments in this sector. The communication with other professionals and experts will bring a valuable experience to the members of the community. Also, it is a great way to learn more and get feedback on one’s ideas. The ideas collected on the website will serve the essence for a future start-up that will bring substantial improvement into healthcare systems in the world.
The person or the team with the best business idea wins 10,000 Euros and a trip to India with health experts and the best business models will be published in a book.
The Open Health Community is aimed at improving  the quality of healthcare in the Netherlands and around the world. It is also an opportunity for everyone to make a contribution for a better life. It is powered by Enviu, which starts sustainable startups. Enviu searches for ideas to solve ecological and social issues together with other organizations, professionals and entrepreneurs. The Open Health Community is an example of how cooperation can succeed in finding solutions for social issues. 

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