Europe’s new volunteers
Applications now open for the Euroscola competition. The prize? A free trip to the European Parliament
di Staff

Teenagers across Spain are being called on to participate to the 17th edition of the European Commission’s Euroscola competition aimed at promoting youth volunteering. The competition is open to children aged 15 to 18 and winners will be prized with a free trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
Winning the prize, however, is not really the point of this interactive online game which tests participants in topics that specifically address the value of active citizenship and the benefits it offers volunteers and society. In order to participate, groups of 10 secondary students led by one teacher must be formed, each successfully carried out test leads the way to a subsequent stage in the game and awards will be granted to the winners in each region as well as the overall, national winners.
According to the game’s website, the essential goal “is to raise awareness of the significant role played by volunteering as an expression of citizen participation in the cultural, political and economic development of society,” however it also hopes to encourage youth to reflect on the work performed by NGOs and volunteers.
The game, which takes place online, also promotes the internet as useful educational tool and encourages young people to learn another language, in fact, it is essential that the participating students speak other European languages, since the winners attending Euroscola Programme in Strasbourg will have to enter parliamentary committee meetings, which will be held in English or French and no interpreters will be available.
The project, which is funded through the Office of the European Parliament and the European Commission Representation in Spain, with the collaboration of the Autonomous Agency for European Educational Programmes (OAPEE), is taking place during the European Year for Volunteering. Registration period is open until March 1, although the game will begin on February 14 and runs until 25 March.
Find out more: www.euro-scola.com
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