The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the need for financial education of young people. Just 1% of the world’s children have access to financial education-the need for financial literacy in the current climate is becoming a right.
A parent, a teacher, a youth worker, an NGO… anyone can teach and help youth develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively manage their money. Lessons can be delivered as individuals or as part of one’s company volunteering activities.
Lily Lapenna, CEO and founder of MyBnk, as well as young Global Leader: “This is call to arms to anyone who has ever wanted to teach young people how to manage their money for the future. Whether it is your children your classroom, just download and go. It’s time to learn money!”
Mybnk, which delivers financial and enterprise education directly to schools and youth organizations, has created activities and games that can be downloaded by teachers to help them deliver lessons to young people in their communities. These materials are suitable for someone who is enthusiastic and motivated to teach but who doesn’t necessarily have the financial training that is required to deliver MyBnk’s programmes.
Learn Money Week is aimed at primary and secondary school children. Materials for secondary school children are developed by MyBnk, those for primary school children are created by Swiss organization
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