
Italy: Campaign for umbilical cord blood donation

Osidea, an Italian charity, opened a centre to inform parents about the opportunity of donating umbilical cord blood and saving lives

di Redazione

It is now open in Sardinia (Italy) the first national centre on umbilical cord blood donation. The blood in the umbilical cord is unique because it contains large amounts of stem cells. These cells are currently being researched for their potential in treating patients with severe diseases. 

Osidea, an Italian charity based in Cagliari, set up the “Informamamma” centre to inform parents about the donation, that can effectively save lives. In fact, although some patients have a family member who can donate blood stem cells, three out of four patients will not find a matching donor in their family. Cord blood donations can give more patients hope of finding a match. 

The centre will also collect and bank blood for scientific purposes, and study stem cells. Currently stem cells are being researched for their potential in treating patients with life-threatening diseases such as leukaemia, thalassemia and microcitaemia.


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