
Italy: Looking for a job? can help

A new online service by the European non profit website

di Redazione

The European non profit website is now offering a new service:, a search engine to find a job in the third sector. After a free registration, you as an individual can write online your cv and submit it to several non profit organizations looking for employees. On the other hand, non profit organizations can browse all the curricula and receive an email when a suitable candidate drops in.

The site offers also a broad overview of job offers, personalised search engines and employment opportunities splitted in different categories such as administration, cooperation, fund raising and media, logistics, health, assistance. Job seekers can also choose employment opportunities on the basis of salary, region, country.

17 centesimi al giorno sono troppi?

Poco più di un euro a settimana, un caffè al bar o forse meno. 60 euro l’anno per tutti i contenuti di VITA, gli articoli online senza pubblicità, i magazine, le newsletter, i podcast, le infografiche e i libri digitali. Ma soprattutto per aiutarci a raccontare il sociale con sempre maggiore forza e incisività.