Non profit

Life of a volunteer

Bring about change in your own way. Dreaming a different world and making it happen.

di Staff

Bring about change in your own way. Dreaming a different world and making it happen. Thinking and working with an original and innovative approach. This is the strongest asset of the European volunteers of today.

From Italy Vita Europe meets Elena Pizzorni from Villaggio della Barona , a neighbourhood in Milan’s south eastern suburbs. Her rent contract has a special agreement: she has to volunteer. Selene Biffi a young consultant for the UN as well as founder of Youth Action For Change (YAC) and Tommaso Magliaccio president of Zenit, a newly born NGO dedicated to health issues amongst immigrants

From Turkey Vita Europe interviews Sirin Tekeli, 63, one of the founders of the feminist movement in Turkey and she is one of the five nominees for this year’s Non EU citizen of the year awards


Vita Europe meets Dorit Lehrack, who wins the Friendship Award. An annual award to foreign experts who have made remarkable contributions to China’s social and economic development.

Reading their stories:

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