
Riccardo Bonacina

di Riccardo Bonacina

Riccardo Bonacina, born in Lecco in the 1954, graduated cum laude in Italian literature at the Università degli Studi in Milan. Author of essais on Antonin Antaud and Luigi Pirandello published by Nuova Italia and Edit, becomes journalist in the 1985. In january 1991 is called in Finivest as chief editor to prepare the first news programme of the Italian private television: Studio Aperto It is April 1991 when he starts to work in Rai (the Italian public television) where he sets up the first heading entirely dedicated to the social information, the voluntary field and the problems of social exclusion: “Il coraggio di vivere”, that was defined by the editor Carlo Freccero «the best example of television democracy». In four years (’91-’94), “Il Coraggio di vivere” produced 35 weekly serials, 210 daily broadcasts, 10 special events and the telethon “62 ore per la vita”. In the 1994’s edition, “Il coraggio di vivere”, with 120 daily broadcasts, gave room to 600 voluntary associations and, through a telephone service, more than 10.000 information to televiewers (more than 100 decided to get involved in voluntary activities thanks to the heading). For the heading “Il coraggio di vivere”, Bonacina in the 1994 wins the prize of the television criticism (Aicrt) as best author TV and the prize “Navicella” from the Ente dello Spettacolo as best conductor of informative TV programs. In October 1994 he starts and still directs “Vita” first and sole weekly magazine entirely dedicated to peple involved in voluntary activities and real life. From the very beginning, has supported cultural and political campaigns to recognise the Third system and the world of the poor. “Vita” is also an informative magazine: every week provides to his readers, laws, information and useful addresses. Besides it has realised a guide to non profit associations in Italy, “Guida ragionata al volontariato in Italia”, with more than 12.000 associations catalogued on a regional base. From January ’95 Bonacina creates and conducts “Radio Help”, a daily radio program brodcasted on RadioRaiUno, which gives voice to voluntary associations, the civil society and thousands of citizens who ask for information or appeal. With “Radio Help” he wins, in November 1996, the annual prize for information offered by the Fondazione Merloni. From October 1997 he is co-author and conductor, together with Emanuela Falcetti, of “Lavori in corso”, a daily program broadcasted on Radio Rai uno. In April 1998 he leads in Padova the first Italian Convention on solidarity where the Italian premier Romano Prodi together with the ministers Treu and Turco sign an agreement with the organisations of the so called Third sector. In 1997, together with cardinal Ersilio Tonini, Bonacina starts Ethica, an association which controls and guarantees for the “Fondo di investimento etico” del San Paolo Fondi di Torino. Activities done by “Vita” for the money raised by the Comitato italiano with the Partita del cuore 1998 (a football match played by italian singers).

Cosa fa VITA?

Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è  grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.