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Attivismo civico & Terzo settore

Romania: Emanuel Franga, Projects officer for Action 2 EVS

After the success of Romania's 7th volunteering week in 39 Romanian cities, European Volunteer Service projects officer Emanuel Franga talks about the growing interest in the program

di Talia Delgado

How do young Romanians perceive the European Voluntary Service?
Following the EVS?s relaunch under the framework of a new Youth in Action program in 2007 and the creation of two dedicated networks to train and promote the program it has become clear that many young people are interested in living personal intercultural experiences through the EVS.

Over the course of 2007 young people have expressed a growing interest in the EVS and I have processed about 40 counselling petitions and sent 30 youngsters abroad through the EVS program. This demonstrates that young people no longer see volunteering as patriotic work, as it was known during the communist regime, and are learning how to be selective about the experiences they choose to take part in.

How many EVS volunteers are there in Romania?
In 2007 we approved about 220 projects for European Volunteers in Romania, which is a record for us. I think that the increase can be explained by better hosting capacities and improved infrastructure to welcome volunteers arriving from other countries.

How would you describe the evolution of volunteering in Romania?
The positive change in recent years can certainly be traced to the work of foreign volunteers here who have helped set a good example, but also the promotional activities carried out by the National Volunteering Agency and civil society organisations. Access to information has been a decisive factor, to which internet has made a great contribution, particularly the Eurodesk website. One of the challenges ahead will be to reach out to young people in rural areas who find it harder to access this information.

Why is it important to promote volunteering?
Youth is a resource and young people like to get involved, to stimulate change. Volunteering is a way to stimulate their capacities, to promote values and contribute to their personal development.

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Volunteering week a success on all fronts

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