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Cooperazione & Relazioni internazionali

Serbia: Youth-led citizenship campaign fights discrimination

Young people from 10 countries created and launched a jingle, city light and video as part of a an international Youth Project for the Year of intercultural dialogue

di Talia Delgado

Forty young people from 10 countries working together as intercultural team created and launched a jingle, city light and video spot during an international Youth Project as materials for the campaign.

The campaign that will be running in the next 3 months in Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Portugal, Belgium, Romania, Germany and Italy will be launched by the Multimedia for Youth Participation project that took place in Sabac, Serbia, from 10-19 of February and organized by Light Youth Organization. The project aimed to create an opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and methodology to use multimedia tools and non formal education in the youth work and in the international youth projects especially under the framework of the ?Youth in Action Program?.

During the project the participants worked in three practical workshops (audio, video, photo) creating the contents and multimedia materials for the international campaign that it has been disseminated in the 10 participant countries in their respective languages as well as in Arabic, Spanish and Flemish. The campaign foments active participation and tolerance framed into the Intercultural Year for the campaign.

The project is using art, culture and media as a tool to dynamize young people both in local and international projects on active citizenship, tolerance and fight against any kind of discrimination on the other promoting mutual understanding between young people.

As well as part of the project the participants shared the creations of their workshops with the citizens and local community in Sabac in an organized event.

Based on their experiences the participants want to keep exploring this working method by developing several more project related to the issues in order to create new campaigns.

The working methodology and aims will be followed up in a new project that will take part in Italy in May. The organizations involved in the creation and design of the materials and the implementation of the campaign are: Light – Serbia, Circolo Arci Chieti – Italy, 3 Pontos – Portugal, Pac Evere- Belgium, Roter Baum – Germany, Youth Peace Group Danube – Croatia, Beyond de Barriers ? Albania, Educo – Macedonia , Kastel – Bosnia and Alter Eco – Romania.

To read more
Romania: Mihaela Frunzeti, Executive Director of Alter Eco

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