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Sostenibilità sociale e ambientale

Spain: Clean energy for Navarra

Renewable energies currently amount to 5% the GDP of the region, while wind power employs around 3.000 people.

di Ges

Nearly half the electricity consumed in the Autonomous Community of Navarra comes from wind and sun. This region has consolidated a powerful and innovative industry of its own regardless of the political parties that had been in power in different periods. This model, based on a specific energy plan, combines environmental efficiency with energetic self-provision.

Renewable energies currently amount to 5% the GDP of the region, while wind power employs around 3.000 people.

According to one of the individuals responsible for this evolution, Navarra is currently exhibiting a representative sample of the possibilities of clean technologies for energy production. Even the headquarter of the company that is exploiting such resources is environmentally efficient: it consumes a little less than half the energy of conventional buildings.

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