Spain: Launch of third sector certifying body
Spanish NGO platform Acciòn Social has announced the official launch of what aims to become the certifying body for NGOs in Spain: ICONG, an ISO standard for the non profit sector
di Staff
The Spanish NGO platform, Acciòn Social, an umbrella organisation that represents the interests of 25 NGOs, foundations and associations, has announced the official launch of what aims to become the certifying body for NGOs in Spain. The ICONG, that stands for the Institute for the Quality of NGOs, aims at delivering and standardising quality control within the third sector, comparable to the ISO standards in other sectors.
ICONG will provide training opportunities, a platform for the exchange of best practices and information for the Spanish third sector, and will work closely with the ministry for employment and social services, that is also funding the initiative.
Other organisations involved in the creation of ICONG include Caritas and the Spanish Red Cross.
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