Non profit

Spain: Toni Codina, general director of Taula Social

Special Report: Spain/ Surprisingly there is no official data relating to the Spanish third sector for 2004-2008, which makes changes hard to quantify. But there is good news...

di Vita Sgardello

What have the past four years meant for the Spanish third sector? Despite the lack of official data, Toni Codina, General director of the organisation that brings together Catalunya?s third sector, Taula Social, believes that any changes brought about by the Socialist government led by Zapatero will only be seen over time. But an indicator that these changes will be felt is the recognition that the third sector has finally acheived as providors of social services. Because for the first time non profit organisations have become more than just a helping hand: all social laws passed since 2006 make it very clear that the third sector is the first in line when it comes to service delivery.

How can the growth of the Spanish third sector be quantified?
Unfortunately specific data on the development of the third sector is not available for the past 4 years as no research has been carried out since 2003. As far as Catalunya is concerned, the Taula is working on a report on the growth and changes of the third sector from 2003 to day.

But I believe that real social changes will only be felt over the course of the next 10 years, as the effects of the laws passed by Zapatero?s government begin to leave their mark. Moreover many laws have also been approved by Spain?s Autonomous communities. In Catalunya alone it is estimated that the social laws impolemented by the Catalan Parliament in 2007 will create 53 thousand new jobs by 2015.

Despite the lack of official data, are there any indicators that the third sector has grown as a result of socialist policies?
There are no specific indicators, but there are many good signs. All the new social laws approved over the past 2 years, in Spain and in Catalunya, make explicit reference to third sector organisations. This is a huge step forward because it is a real acknowledgment of the value that these organisations bring to society and it also makes the third sector a vital participant in the provision of social services.

Has the Taula Social had any part in influencing these changes?
Yes, the Taula has been one of the main driving forces behind acheiving recognition for the third sector.

Our work has focused on making sure that this recognition translates into the development of laws and policies, real and meaningful actions that acknowledge the value of the sector by incorporating non profit organisations into the provision of services. Which implies that non profit orgnaisations be given the priority over companies and profit organisations.

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