Non profit
Transparency, not corruption.
Non Profit ID card. Transparency International based in Berlin, Germany.

Non Profit ID card: present your project/organisation/campaign
Questions answered by Miklos Marschall, Director, Europe and Central Asia – Transparency International
– Where are you based? Transparency International is a global coalition with over 90 chapters around the world. I am based at the international secretariat in Berlin, Germany.
– What are you called? Transparency International (TI)
– What are you doing and why? Around the globe, corruption affects people in many ways – even costing lives. It traps millions in poverty and misery and leads to social, economic and political unrest. That is why TI works towards a world free of corruption.
– Do you have a website/email?;
– Do you have a Twitter/facebook link/name?
Facebook group: Transparency International
YouTube channel:
– What makes you so special? In the early 1990s, corruption was a taboo issue. TI has helped raise the issue on the political agenda and build up political pressure that has led to substantive reforms around the globe. There are now several important international conventions in effect, most notably the UN Convention against Corruption and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
The turning point
– How did you start? TI was established in May 1993 by founding chairman Peter Eigen and a group of like-minded people. They all had witnessed the devastating effects of corruption first-hand and were driven by a shared desire to tackle the issue beyond national borders.
– What keeps you going every day? The belief that we can make a difference. Corruption has a devastating impact, but it can be overcome by empowering citizens and working with governments and the private sector towards transparency and accountability.
– Who is your target? TI works with a diversity of actors from civil society, the media, the private sector, governments and international institutions.
– How are you financed? The bulk of TI’s income comes from government development agencies and foundations. Other sources of income include international organisations, private sector companies and individuals. The diversity of sources and transparency of our funding ensure TI’s independence, which is very important to us.
The challenge
– A proud moment? When we celebrated our 15th anniversary in 2008: From the proverbial “kitchen NGO” in Berlin with no staff and resources, TI has grown into a highly respected advocacy NGO with a presence all over the globe. This year we were ranked as the second leading public policy “think tank” in the world (outside the US).
– A problem you face? Cynicism about corruption and apathy is still strong. Too many people still believe that corruption – the abuse of power for private gain – is just part of life.
– Your personal motto when things get hard? I have a Latin motto: Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. In rough translation: “Soft in style, firm on substance”. You could also say, “iron fist in velvet glove”.
– Another cool project/organisation/campaign you would like to recommend?
The Átláccó Short Film Contest organised by the TI chapter in Hungary:
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