Turkey: Young climate savers
Children at a school in Istanbul have said no to global warming by founding their own environmental group and becoming activists. A self produced magazine will fund tree planting campaigns
di Bianet
Climate savers with bright ideas (in Turkish: "Parlak Fikirli İklim Kurtarıcıları") is not yet another greenwashing marketing scam, but one of the youngest green initiatives to date. The group?s leaders are, in fact, too young to vote, drink and even to take the bus home alone after school as they are fifth year elementary students at the Beyazit Ford-Otosan school in Istanbul. These children have formed a campaigning group launching the slogan: hold hands and say goodbye to a dry world. With visual material that explains the consequence of global warming, they are calling on their fellow schoolmates, family and people they know to help stop global warming.
A magazine called, quite aptly, Climate Change, explains the measures that need to be taken urgently and will be sold for 5 YTL (about 2.5 euros). The money raised will go to the provincial directorate of environment?s tree planting campaign.
Teacher Nergis Gercik assures that the idea was all theirs and that these children know exactly what the world faces in the future, which is why they want to act now.
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