UK: Climate change documentary for the big screen launched
The Age Of Stupid (formerly known as Crude) is the new climate change documentary for the big screen, launched May 24th in London. Funded entirely by independent donors
di Staff
The Age Of Stupid (formerly known as Crude) is the unmissable new climate change documentary for the big screen, launched May 24th in London. The Age of Stupid mixes documentary footage, drama and cutting-edge animation, and stars Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite as an old man living in the devastated world of 2055. As he watches ?archive? footage from 2007, he asks himself: Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance?
The film is "crowd-funded". Which means that it has been funded by independent contributors. This to give it the best chance of reaching a mainstream multiplex audience, but also to avoid having studio executives in the picture.
The first £325,000 (412 thousand euros) of the budget for The Age of Stupid was raised by selling ?shares? to people who care about climate change. These investors all own a percentage of the film – as do the crew, who are working for massively reduced rates. If the film makes as much money as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 – admittedly the biggest grossing documentary of all time – an initial £500 investment would recoup about £60,000. But whatever the film's box office, every investor in The Age of Stupid will know that they have supported a film that will hopefully be a significant landmark in the ongoing battle against climate change. You get the warm fuzzy feeling either way.
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