UK: Code of practice for F2F fundraising
The Institute of Fundraising (IoF) has released a draft code of practice on face-to-face (F2F) fundraising. For the first time, the code includes rules on the practice of prospecting
di Staff
The Institute of Fundraising (IoF) has released a draft code of practice on face-to-face (F2F) fundraising.
For the first time, the code includes rules on the practice of prospecting – where fundraisers take down potential donors' details but not initially their money. Previously, only those who took money or were active in getting people to sign up for direct debits were required to follow the IoF code.
During the initial F2F conversation, fundraisers are now required to "acknowledge the possibility of a subsequent financial commitment request".
Mick Aldridge, Chief Executive of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association, said that the body had seen a desire from local authorities who claimed that prospecting "looks like fundraising" and therefore needed to be included under regulatory guidelines. The public consultation on the code of practice lasts for 12 weeks and will be over on August 8th.
The Institute of Fundraising is the professional body representing 4500 individual fundraisers and 250 organisational members.
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