UK: procurement with principles for 2012 Olympics
Third sector leaders draw up a strategy plan to make the next Olympic games sustainable
Leaders in the social enterprise, organic and environmental sectors in the UK recently participated in an event to discuss how the 2012 Olympic Games and Paraolympics can fulfil Prime Minister Tony Blair’s promise to be the ‘greenest ever’.
The event, entitled ‘Procurement with Principles – can the 2012 Games get conscious about consumption?’ took place on 31 January in London and was hosted by Triodos Bank – one of Europe’s leading ethical banks. As a result of the event, an open letter to the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) has been drafted which aims to encourage the ODA to create a procurement strategy for the games that could provide a basis for a lasting positive legacy.
It urges the ODA to details a number of measures within the strategy including:
o Defined benefits to social and community groups
o The quantity of supplies to come from local sustainable businesses,
o Details of waste, recycling, and green energy targets
o Targets for the use of unprocessed, organic and local food
o And a transport plan detailing how many journeys will be made using sustainable transport.
The letter has been signed by Peter Melchett, Policy Director of the Soil Association, Sinead McBrearty, Deputy Chief Executive of Social Enterprise London, Danny Silverstone, Chief Executive, London Remade, and Charles Middleton, Managing Director of Triodos Bank.
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