UK: Scottish Executive urged to beef up social enterprise strategy
Campaigners for social enterprise in Scotland have called on the Scottish Executive to beef up its national growth plan for the sector
Scotland is the last country of the UK to develop a social enterprise strategy, and many social entrepreneurs are frustrated by the slow progress.
The Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition (SSEC) has told policy makers that the draft Social Enterprise Strategy must deliver a step change in support if the sector is to play a major role in helping the government regenerate communities and deliver better public services.
Government research has estimated there are around 3,000 social enterprises in Scotland, ranging from small community-owned businesses to multi-million pound contract providers.
SSEC, a collective voice for Scotland?s leading social enterprise support bodies, has submitted its response to the Executive?s draft strategy, which was issued for consultation over summer. It has welcomed the progress made in developing the strategy that recognises social enterprise as a ?dynamic business model of choice capable of bringing social, economic and environmental benefits to Scotland?. However it has stressed that to deliver this vision, the sector will need increased investment and better business support. It has also called for stronger, joined-up leadership for social enterprise across Scottish Executive departments.
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