Non profit

UK: Social enterprises for rough sleepers win cash award

15 homelessness organisations have won a share of the 500 thousand pounds prize money awarded by Spark to promote social enterprise in the UK & that aims to earn them £10 million in the next 3 years

di Staff

Fifteen homelessness organisations aim to earn £10m (12 million euros) through enterprise within the next three years thanks to a kick-start they have been given through a government-backed social enterprise competition.

The Spark competition is part of the government's increasing focus on social enterprise to help rough sleepers. In March, 15 finalists were chosen from more than 80 applicants and last week it was announced that all 15 finalists were to win a share of the £500,000 (630 thousand euros) prize money to forward their enterprises.

As well as the cash, the 15 winning organisations will receive business coaching and mentoring from high-profile social entrepreneurs, including Nigel Kershaw, chief executive of Big Issue Invest and Tim Campbell, winner of the first series of BBC?s The Apprentice. Spark winners will also benefit from business insights and management support from Spark's corporate partners: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Places for People and BT.

Collectively the organisations aim, within three years, to be earning £10m annually to help thousands more people into education, training, accommodation and independent living.

The south west is likely to see the most impact on the level of homelessness with three organisations from that area scooping the largest share of the prize money.

Gilead Foundations – an organic farm and rehabilitation community, whose headquarters are near Oakhampton – won £90,000, while Plymouth Access to Housing (Path), which plans to establish a not-for-profit letting agency in Plymouth, won £85,000 and Plymouth-based Shekinah Mission, which teaches bricklaying, plastering and art and craft skills to people who have been homeless, was awarded £50,000.

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