
UK: The Office of the Third Sector has published three-year grant funding report

The Office of the Third Sector has published guidance for government departments on their new obligation to report progress on implementing three-year grant funding.

di Staff

The Office of the Third Sector has published guidance for government departments on their new obligation to report progress on implementing three-year grant funding.

Departments have until the end of October to submit the information. Agencies and non-departmental public bodies will also have to report next year, when information on contract funding will be included.

“We are determined to make three-year funding the norm,” said Phil Hope, Minister for the Third Sector.

The findings will be reported to Parliament as part of the annual Compact review, but the OTS has no powers to punish lagging departments.

Ben Wittenberg, director of policy and research at the Directory of Social Change, said the OTS should formally ask the ministers of non-compliant departments to outline what they were doing to redress the situation. “Doing that very publicly and sharing the response with us could give the OTS a lot of credibility,” he said.

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